In my book, Graphic Design Exposed, I discuss hiring and working with a professional photographer in order to gain optimal results.

On Wednesday I’ll be working Red Morgan, a professional photographer. We’ll spend the day with Michael Gillis, Executive Director at Lifeskills South Florida, a residential mental health facility.

The key to making most of the time that we have together is preparation and communication. I thought that I would share some steps I’ll take to make the day a success. The planning begins well in advance with a phone call from Michael during which we discuss the kind of photos we’ll need for upcoming projects. I take notes, list priority photos, and which shots will include people. Then I begin working on a chart (see below). I email the chart to Red Morgan. We discuss the weather, time of sunrise and the direction that the building is facing. I add some notes to the chart and share it with Red and Michael.

Notice on the chart, that our top priority photos are scheduled for the afternoon. That is because we will need to take advantage of the morning sun’s position in the sky for as many of the outdoor photos as possible. We asked anyone who will be included in a photo to wear soft solid colors or small prints, no solid black or white. They also need to bring a change of clothes (most importantly a shirt) in case what they are wearing does not work in the scene.

If you are planning to hire a photographer for your company the list below will help you during the shoot.
– Wear running shoes.
– Have a step ladder, cleaning supplies and face powder on hand.
– Offer assistance to the photographer with handling equipment.
– Look for any flaws in a scene that might render the photo unusable. This might include sprinkler run off, leaves on a walkway, a trash can, etc.
– Take tight photos as well as ones with some background. Take vertical and horizontal photos of the same subject matter. This way you will have the most flexibility when it comes to using the photo in designs later on.
Have Fun!

photo shoot preparation chart

photo shoot preparation chart

Lifeskills South Florida

Lifeskills South Florida iconic Key West style architectural image

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