Through this blog it is my hope to offer news bits about current graphic design challenges (my own and others) as well as fine art news. To continue with the theme of my book, “Graphic Design Exposed,” this blog will expose the development of graphic design and fine art projects. From time to time I will invite guests to blog here in order to keep the news and views fresh and informative.

Photographing Artwork

Photographing Artwork

As a regular columnist with The Rickie Report, an online news source for artists in Palm Beach County and beyond, I respond to questions that pertain to visual communication, extending some of the basic information covered in my book, “Graphic Design Exposed.” The...

Shanghai Influence

I spent 6 days in Shanghai in April.  I saw so much great art and creativity from ancient to contemporary times that it has taken me weeks to digest the sights and sounds enough to write about my adventure. Before talking about the art, I would like to thank my...

Sharing Your Portfolio On-Line

As many of you know I am a regular columnist with The Rickie Report, an online news source for artists in Palm Beach County and beyond. The Rickie Report receives numerous emails and phone calls from readers asking a variety of questions. I respond to questions that...

Judgement Free Zone Fosters Creativity

From past columns in this blog, you may have gathered that I am always searching for experiences that stimulate artistic creativity. Sometimes the freedom and playful creativity in my artist's life are challenged by the pressures and deadlines of practical living and...

At-A-Glance Recognition

Today my first column appears in "The Rickie Report." I'll be addressing graphic design and presentation topics for creatives to help promote themselves. In the March column I answer a reader's question, "I have business cards, but often wonder if there is enough...

The Creative Block

This is a subject about which I dislike speaking. One of the reasons is that I don't want to admit that I am ever blocked creatively. I prefer to think of myself as a super-creative individual who can conjure fine art pieces and design solutions at a moments notice....

Ask Caren – new column

I am happy to share the news that The Rickie Report's online magazine has invited me to be a monthly columnist. Rickie Leiter of  The Rickie Report receives numerous emails and phone calls from readers asking a variety of questions and explained.  "We've invited Caren...

Making sure that your message is read

As interesting as your subject matter might be to you, it may not immediately engage the reader. The previous blog post I demonstrated some techniques to assist in making type easier to read on a a dark back ground. Today I am offering three suggestions for making...

For the Love of White Space

For the Love of White Space

As a freelance graphic designer I value clients who understand the importance of  white space as a design element. Filling all the available space in a print or web layout  hinders communication. White space, also called negative space, is a key design element used in...

Graphic Design Exposed as an eBook?

I mentioned last week that a digital (PDF) version of the book is available on the "Book" of this website page as well for $2.99. So why, you ask, am I promoting a digital version myself and not working with Kindle Direct Publishing or SmashWords? Good question. The...

Graphic Design Exposed is now available!

I'm very excited that the softcover version of my new book, Graphic Design Exposed, is now available through Amazon's CreateSpace . The book features practical graphic design advice. It was written for everyone who uses any form of written communication. Graphic...