
Yoga Icons are now available as hand embellished fine art prints on canvas. Visit Yoga Palm Beach to view three pieces in person. Yoga icon artworks can be ordered by sending in a contact form (CLICK HERE). The artwork can be created in the color scheme of your choice. The ones on display at Yoga Palm Beach are “orange glo namaste” 44” high x 26” wide (in photo with me) and two smaller pieces that are 26” high x 13” wide and are in “orange glo-namaste” and “lavender passion shanti.”  They are all ready-to-hang.

Through my cousin, David Michael Hollander, artist and master yogi, I’ve been learning about the spiritual significance of the number 108 in yoga. Below are three things that I’ve learned about the significance of the number 108.

  1. According to yogic tradition, there are 108 pithas, or sacred sites, throughout India.
  2. There are 108 marma points, or sacred places of the body.
  3. Traditionally, malas, or garlands of prayer beads, come as a string of 108 beads (plus one for the “guru bead,” around which the other 108 beads turn like the planets around the sun). A mala is used for counting as you repeat a mantra. It is similar to the Catholic rosary.

I’ve respected this significant number when pricing the pieces.

Prices: 44” x 26” = $432.00 and  26” x 13” = $162.00


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