For the Love of White Space

For the Love of White Space

As a freelance graphic designer I value clients who understand the importance of  white space as a design element. Filling all the available space in a print or web layout  hinders communication. White space, also called negative space, is a key design element used in...

Graphic Design Exposed is now available!

I’m very excited that the softcover version of my new book, Graphic Design Exposed, is now available through Amazon’s CreateSpace . The book features practical graphic design advice. It was written for everyone who uses any form of written communication....

Food That Provides a Visual Feast

I just returned to the U.S. from a trip to Israel. This morning I was thinking about how much I miss my favorite falafel stand. The falafel at this stand is wonderfully fresh and tasty. The proprietor’s knack for arranging the salad, falafel and hummus on the...

Finding Inspiration for My Art

Last Friday I visited the Hava and Adam Eco-Israel Education Farm. The farm’s mission is to educate the public about sustainability, ecology and green living.  I enjoyed everything about my farm visit; learning about integrating crops in the vegetable garden,...